Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Today's training update

Today, i ran 5km which i completed in 36 minutes and 32 seconds. Yep 12 minutes slower than my previous clock ins.

Well the fact that i am even running today should amaze anyone, especially those following me on twitter. I am in fact nursing a groin injury. The constant training has taken its toll on me, but before anyone trolls and says things like "you should know better" etc, i would like to point out that, i do know whats going on with my training and, i was expecting this injury. It just wouldn't come, thankfully it is minor and after checking with my doctor, he says it's only a strain and that i can continue training moderately.

It was slow today, but, i was running with a 12kg vest and at least 12 minutes of that 36 + minutes, i was 'walking briskly' at a speed of 3.7mph, holding 2 X 14 kg kettle bells.

My trapezius muscles are killing me now. It's absolutely caning. Anyway, ill be going to the gym today before work, and am going to do split training today. I figured, if i can't run that hard, i can still bike + be on the eliptical trainer. I hate them both, FML.

Anyway keep checking this site, updates will take place once a week or at most twice a week now. ALSO, i have news that my shoes and shades are arriving, all my "livestrong" and nike gear have already arrived, and they've been super nice and encouraging too. Will post the email soon.

And PS. if you haven't already added/followed me on twitter please do so at @runningforawish , i rant, rave and update much more often there!!

Keep wishing!


And this is why this run means something

An email exchange. I treasure these. And as much as i can i do email back. 
These are published with consent.

b**k*** to me

Dear runningforawish,

My name is B** and im writing to you to tell you that i am v. impressed at what you
are trying to achieve I want to ask if you are still accepting wishes.
I wan to share my story with u.
I am also interested in a girl who does not seem to notice me.
We talk but she always treats me just as a friend.
I tried to tell her but she doesnt seem interested, so i am deciding to let her go.
I found your website as i follow some blogger on twitter. Anwy just wondering, 
if i should let her go? I am out of hope, and maybe if u run with my wish
something might happen like miracle? I donno now. Pls let me know.

Thanks and hope ur training is ok.

ps. will u ever go out and meet pple who visit ur site and ask for wishes? 


runningfor awish to b**k***

Dear B**,

Thank you for writing. As i mentioned in my site, i am not doing this for personal glory 
The reason i run is because I have hope. 
But i guess,things are different now with my support of other cause. 
But thank you for your compliments!
It means a lot to me because it can get "lonely". And yes i always accept wishes. 
There isn't a deadline, and i'll run for you. As for this girl, does she treat you coldly? 
Ignore you or is dating another guy? If she is, back off for abit
and stay away build your life otherwise you'll end up like me
Anyway I am the WORST guy to come to for advice! 

my training is ok, baring some minor injuries.

And no, i will not meet people who visit my site.
(except under special circumstances) 
but I will keep in email contact.

By the way is it ok if i publish this email? This is one of the first wishes 
i got from a person wanting the same thing as me!


r4w :)

 b**k*** to me

Dear runningforawish,

Thanks for ur advise. I will c how it goes, and no if i was as fit as
 u i will do something crazy like this too.

and sure u can publish our emails

tnx again.


runningfor awish to b**k***

Dear B**,

No probs. Don't do anything crazy, try flowers first. 

Keep wishing !
