Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Updates (long and arduous)

It has been a hectic 2 weeks for me, and i had some rather disheartening news about 2 weeks ago. My arch rival and enemy came back, impeccable timing i must say.

I am of course talking about asthma. I grew up with asthma, inhalers and the lot, it was never terrible or at least never got in the way because when i was younger i was never much into sport and fitness. I dare say had i been doing vigorous exercise then who knows what might have happened. Anyhow, after weeks of dealing with a wheezy dry cough (i dismissed it as a dry cough) i had had enough and decided to see the doctor. I was suffering through training, and when i explained this to the doctor he just said, well looks like you have asthma. My heart sank. 320km and asthma are a combination that doesn't sit well together, in fact much to my dismay, it would look like i was actually looking for a death wish.

Anyway, this was it. It would seem running for a wish would be postponed indefinitely or cancelled. I was told to breathe into a spirometer which basically tests your lung capacity etc, you take a deep breath and you blow into it as hard as you can, (quite similar to VO2 max testing just less sophisticated) generally normal people would have a capacity of between 400-450, asthmatic people below 400 to about 400 and athletes about 680- 750 (with ease).

On my first attempt, wheezing and all i tested to 560. Not bad m doctor said, but he believed i would improve with treatment. I asked him if i could still run, and he said, why not, and said i should continue to run and train and finish my race. Fast forward a week later, treating this annoying wheeze, I felt much better, stronger and less tired, my times have improved, and on my last spirometer test, i blew a healthy 650. I have beaten asthma again, but just in case i have one more piece of equipment to carry with me on my journey. Yep. My inhaler and thank God it comes in purple.

I will keep you guys posted again and just on a side note, all my "LIVE STRONG' gear has arrived. I am working with Kim on the tee shirts and plan to give some away. Stay tuned.

Keep wishing.

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